20 Jul

Parshas Korach: To Own Up

This D’var Torah is in Z’chus L’Ilui Nishmas my sister Kayla Rus Bas Bunim Tuvia A”H & my grandfather Dovid Tzvi Ben Yosef Yochanan A”H & in Z’chus L’Refuah Shileimah for: -My father Bunim Tuvia...
20 Jul

Parshas Nasso: With Great Kedushah…

This D’var Torah is in Z’chus L’Ilui Nishmas my sister Kayla Rus Bas Bunim Tuvia A”H & my grandfather Dovid Tzvi Ben Yosef Yochanan A”H & in Z’chus L’Refuah Shileimah for: -My father Bunim Tuvia...
01 Jul

Parshas Shelach: The Dispirited Wood Gatherer

This D’var Torah is in Z’chus L’Ilui Nishmas my sister Kayla Rus Bas Bunim Tuvia A”H & my grandfather Dovid Tzvi Ben Yosef Yochanan A”H & in Z’chus L’Refuah Shileimah for: -My father Bunim Tuvia...
24 Jun

Parshas B’Ha’alosecha: To Go or Not to Go?

This D’var Torah is in Z’chus L’Ilui Nishmas my sister Kayla Rus Bas Bunim Tuvia A”H& my grandfather Dovid Tzvi Ben Yosef Yochanan A”H & in Z’chus L’Refuah Shileimah for: -My father Bunim Tuvia Ben...
09 Jun

Parshas B’Midbar: The Surprising Suspect

Sefer B’Midbar begins with the national census of the B’nei Yisrael, which served not merely to provide a head count, but to sort them each and to divide them according to their tribes, families, clans,...