This D’var Torah should be a Zechus L’Ilui Nishmas my sister, Kayla Rus Bas Bunim Tuvia A”H, my maternal grandfather Dovid Tzvi Ben Yosef Yochanan A”H, my maternal grandfather Dovid Tzvi Ben Yosef Yochanan A”H, my paternal grandfather Moshe Ben Yosef A”H, my uncle Reuven Nachum Ben Moshe & my great aunt Rivkah Sorah Bas Zev Yehuda HaKohein.

It should also be in Zechus L’Refuah Shileimah for:

-My father Bunim Tuvia Ben Channa Freidel

-My grandmothers Channah Freidel Bas Sarah, and Shulamis Bas Etta


-Mordechai Shlomo Ben Sarah Tili

-Noam Shmuel Ben Simcha

-Chaya Rochel Ettel Bas Shulamis

-And all of the Cholei Yisrael, especially those suffering from COVID-19 and the Meiron tragedy.

-It should also be a Z’chus for an Aliyah of the holy Neshamos of Dovid Avraham Ben Chiya Kehas—R’ Dovid Winiarz ZT”L, Miriam Liba Bas Aharon—Rebbetzin Weiss A”H, as well as the Neshamos of those whose lives were taken by terrorists (Hashem Yikom Damam), COVID-19, and the Meiron tragedy.

-It should also be a Z’chus for success for Tzaha”l as well as the rest of Am Yisrael, in Eretz Yisrael and in the Galus.







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Parsha Paradise/פרשה פרדס – Vayak’heil: Why was Eish Singled Out? ?





There are many activities (at least 39) that are prohibited on Shabbos. In Vayak’heil, Moshe Rabbeinu singles out one:

לֹֽא־תְבַֽעֲר֣וּ אֵ֔שׁ בְּכֹ֖ל מֽשְׁבֹֽתֵיכֶ֑ם בְּי֖וֹם הַשַּׁבָּֽת

“Do not kindle a fire in all of your dwellings on the day of Shabbos” [Shemos 35:3].

Why does Moshe Rabbeinu highlight the kindling of a fire?



Chizkuni among many others suggests the following reasons:

Since kindling a fire for Ochel Nefesh (food needs) is permissble on Yom Tov, the Torah needed to specify this restriction on Shabbos.



Ba’al HaTurim observes that from the word “Vayak’heil” until the end of our verse, there are 39 words, alluding to the 39 Melachos (activities that are forbidden on Shabbos). He mentions that there are actually 40 words, but he doesn’t count the last word “HaShabbos.”

He also mentions that Hashem makes an exchange with us, that if we “cease fire” in our dwellings on Shabbos, He will “cease” the fires of Gehinom on Shabbos as well.



Kli Yakar cites the Gemara in Shabbos [119B] which states that one of the causes for tragedies having to do with fire is Shabbos desecration. The verse in Yirmiyah [17:27] states explicitly that Hashem promises fire where there is Chillul Shabbos. Thus, the Torah warns broadly by way of double entendre, don’t cause fire to your dwellings on Shabbos.

Chazal also derive from our verse that no capital punishment can be exacted on Shabbos, the execution te represented by the kindling of fire [Yevamos 6B, Sanhedrin 35B].




Tikunei Zohar [85A] and Reishis Chochmah [Sha’ar Kedushah 7:18] say that the Torah here alludes to the fire of anger, adding that the fires of Gehinom are ignited by anger. Zohar elsewhere mentions that Machlokes (dispute) is a fire. On Shabbos, in these regard too, we must cease fire.


We should be Zocheh to end all negative fires and instead shine the positive light of Shabbos, the semblance of the World to Come, today and forever, Bimheirah BiYomeinu! Have a wonderful Shabbos Mevarchim Adar Beis!

-Yehoshua Shmuel Eisenberg